مدير استثمار أصول معتمد

  • خبراء متخصصين
  • اربع ساعات تدريبية لليوم التدريبي
  • تكون ايام التدريب من الأحد وحتى الخميس للإسبوع التدريبي
  • الحقيبة التدريبية
  • منسق تدريبي طوال فترة تنفيذ البرنامج لمتابعة سير العملية التدريبية
  • شهادة اجتياز النشاط من الشركة العربية للإستشارات والتدريب والدعم الفني (ACTS).

مواعيد التفعيل

مواعيد التفعيل

كود المدينة بداية الانعقاد نهاية الانعقاد
PC002\1 القاهرة 2 - مارس- 2014 6 - مارس- 2014
PC002\2 القاهرة 14 - ديسمبر- 2014 18 - ديسمبر- 2014
PC002\3 القاهرة 1 - يونيو- 2014 5 - يونيو- 2014
PC002\4 القاهرة 13 - أبريل- 2014 17 - أبريل- 2014

    The curriculum for the Asset Management Executive Certification is geared entirely towards the focus on asset management and specialist financial planning. A core group of specialty graduate topics focuses on the major functional issues of asset management planning, ranging from strategy to risk management. This is a specialization program to the entire subject; introducing, defining and explaining the concept of asset management

    :By Attending This Course, You Will
    a)Define the elements of good asset management practice
    b) Identify the roles and responsibilities of the asset
    c) Distinguish "best practices" in reporting and monitoring
    d) Debate the pros and cons of managing your own portfolio
    e) Add AAFM membership and certification to your resume
    f) Be published on the AAFM site as a certified member
    Module One
    Fundamentals Of Asset Management And Financial Strategy
    Specialization in Asset Management introduces candidates to the asset management process and to the technical skills that a competent asset manager must possess in order to serve his or her clients successfully. You will learn the primary concepts of asset management (insurance, investments and estate planning) and their corresponding interrelationship in providing comprehensive personal asset management. This course explores both the financial industry and how to develop an asset management practice: including the current economic environment, regulation, reporting and compliance, etc

    a) Asset management concepts
    b) Finance and investment fundamentals
    c) Securities and options markets
    d) Corporate debt and debt hybrids
    e) Bond and money markets
    f) Foreign exchange

    Module Two
    Investment Management & Managed Funds
    Investments reveals to delegates the topics of risk and return, the contrast between equity and fixed income investments, the mathematic formulas of investing and the analysis of investment theories and strategies
    The investment section explores the difference between fundamental and technical analysis. You will learn about modern portfolio theory (asset allocation, diversification, market timing and security selection)
    a) Fundamental and technical analysis
    b) The efficiency of capital markets
    c) Investment fees
    d) Portfolio theory
    e) Alternative investments

    Module Three
    Key Financial Decisions
    This module looks at several important financial decisions from both market and entity perspectives. The signaling effects of key decisions are examined to illustrate the political consequences and visibility issues that accompany financial decisions that the market rates as significant
    a) Capital budgeting
    b) Dividend policy
    c) Capital structure policy

    Module Four
    Risk Management
    The Risk Management module looks at the various types of risk that individuals and businesses face and how they can avoid or manage these risks. After completing the module, you will be in a position to evaluate risk exposure and develop a risk management plan
    a) Role of risk management
    b) Evaluating the need for risk management products
    c) Calculating company cost of capital

    Module Five
    You will develop an asset management strategy and participate in the presentation of an asset management plan to the class

    Final Examination
    Multiple-Choice format


الخطة التدريبية

يمكنكم تحميل الخطة التدريبية كاملة موضحا بها كافة البرامج التدريبية والمبنية على نتائج البحوث والدراسات الميدانية التي تمت بهدف تطوير العنصر البشري في كافة القطاعات الإدارية.

المحتوى العلمي للبرنامج

يمكنكم تحميل المحتوى العلمي للبرنامج كاملاً من هنا


في حالة وجود أية استفسارات أخرى متعلقة بتنفيذ البرنامج التدريبي يمكنكم التواصل معنا بالضغط هنا، وسوف يقوم أحد ممثلي إدارة التدريب بالتواصل معكم قريبا

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