محلل إئتماني معتمد

  • خبراء متخصصين
  • اربع ساعات تدريبية لليوم التدريبي
  • تكون ايام التدريب من الأحد وحتى الخميس للإسبوع التدريبي
  • الحقيبة التدريبية
  • منسق تدريبي طوال فترة تنفيذ البرنامج لمتابعة سير العملية التدريبية
  • شهادة اجتياز النشاط من الشركة العربية للإستشارات والتدريب والدعم الفني (ACTS).

مواعيد التفعيل

مواعيد التفعيل

كود المدينة بداية الانعقاد نهاية الانعقاد
PC004\1 القاهرة 9 - مارس- 2014 13 - مارس- 2014
PC004\2 القاهرة 4 - مايو- 2014 8 - مايو- 2014
PC004\3 القاهرة 16 - نوفمبر- 2014 20 - نوفمبر- 2014
PC004\4 القاهرة 7 - سبتمبر- 2014 11 - سبتمبر- 2014

    The goal of this program is to provide a Credit Analyst with diagnostic skills that can be immediately used upon return to their respective international banks or corporate credit departments. Analysts will learn to use demonstrated analytical strategies which will enable them to assess the degree of risk prior to endorsing approval or rejection of a specific credit request. Another objective of this program is to enhance the documentation of commercial loan files which will reduce losses and will be viewed favorably by the regulatory community.

    :By Attending This Course You Will
    a) Understand the various types of financial statements and be able to identify the components of financial statements including the balance sheet, income statement, statement of cash flows and reconciliation of net worth
    b) Spread the financial statements consistently and perform ratio analysis so that trends can be identified
    c) Perform a detailed cash flow analysis by calculating the sources and uses of funds from one accounting period to another
    d) Prepare financial projections based upon assumptions provided by the borrower then test those assumptions by utilizing sensitivity analysis
    e) Identify factors which may impact the ability to repay debt obligations and to document the finding in a written credit analysis memorandum
    f) Understand how to grade a loan or establish a credit rating
    g) Develop your own manager’s handbook
    h) Explore the implications of the global re-pricing of credit risk

    :Module One
    Role Of The Credit Analyst And Lending Officer
    a) The role of the credit analyst
    b) Stakeholders and their priorities
    c) The credit analyst’s network and resources
    d) Loan interview techniques
    e) How to develop a loan handbook

    Group Exercise
    Define the key stakeholders in your organization involved in credit risk and management, develop a workflow structure and diagram
    Credit Analysis Procedures
    a) The credit analysis process – the five C’s and PARSER
    b) Regulatory issues – update on Basel II
    c) What is the manager’s loan handbook

    Group Exercise
    Develop a checklist on the key credit analysis processes currently necessary within your organization

    :Module Two
    Structuring A Credit To Minimize Risk
    a) Proper loan structuring recommendations
    b) Collateral coverage analysis
    c) Loan covenant considerations
    d) Guarantor analysis

    Group Exercise
    Formulate a Balanced Scorecard utilising a case study

    :Module Three
    Non-Performing Loans/Distressed Debt
    a) Evaluating investment opportunities in debt heavy businesses
    b) Reviewing restructuring opportunities
    c) Implementing a system of red flag projections

    :Module Four
    Financial Projections And Analysis
    a) Development of a loan portfolio
    b) Asset management
    c) Loan funding techniques
    d) Balance sheet impact
    e) Marketing opportunities for loan portfolio development
    f) Business and industry analysis

    Group Exercise
    a) Construct a loan portfolio and undertake a risk assessment
    b) Further development of your individual loan manager’s handbook

    Advanced Analytical Techniques
    a) Methods of generating and determining growth
    b) Break-even analysis and building a business for ROI
    c) Customer and segmentation profitability
    d) Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)
    e) Finalize the loan manager’s handbook

    :Module Five
    Current Issues In Credit Analysis
    :Group Exercise
    There will be individual and team case studies assigned

    Final Examination
    The final examination will be in a Multiple-Choice format


الخطة التدريبية

يمكنكم تحميل الخطة التدريبية كاملة موضحا بها كافة البرامج التدريبية والمبنية على نتائج البحوث والدراسات الميدانية التي تمت بهدف تطوير العنصر البشري في كافة القطاعات الإدارية.

المحتوى العلمي للبرنامج

يمكنكم تحميل المحتوى العلمي للبرنامج كاملاً من هنا


في حالة وجود أية استفسارات أخرى متعلقة بتنفيذ البرنامج التدريبي يمكنكم التواصل معنا بالضغط هنا، وسوف يقوم أحد ممثلي إدارة التدريب بالتواصل معكم قريبا

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