إستشاري غسيل أموال معتمد

  • خبراء متخصصين
  • اربع ساعات تدريبية لليوم التدريبي
  • تكون ايام التدريب من الأحد وحتى الخميس للإسبوع التدريبي
  • الحقيبة التدريبية
  • منسق تدريبي طوال فترة تنفيذ البرنامج لمتابعة سير العملية التدريبية
  • شهادة اجتياز النشاط من الشركة العربية للإستشارات والتدريب والدعم الفني (ACTS).

مواعيد التفعيل

مواعيد التفعيل

كود المدينة بداية الانعقاد نهاية الانعقاد
PC003\1 القاهرة 11 - مايو- 2014 15 - مايو- 2014
PC003\2 القاهرة 22 - يونيو- 2014 26 - يونيو- 2014
PC003\3 القاهرة 7 - سبتمبر- 2014 11 - سبتمبر- 2014
PC003\4 القاهرة 2 - مارس- 2014 6 - مارس- 2014

    :By Attending This Course You Will
    a) Protect your organization against the latest money laundering and fraud techniques
    b) Identify vulnerable and potential areas of risk and recognize potential offenders
    c) Formulate an effective fraud prevention and anti-money laundering strategy
    d) Minimize the effects of fraud on your company and successfully navigate the legislative landscape
    e) Conduct good customer due diligence in non-face-to-face transactions
    f) Discover the latest techniques for scoring the risks of customers, products and operations
    g) Identify methods to maximize your ROI in anti-money laundering technology
    h) Gain critical insight and practical knowledge to achieve compliance with Asia, GCC, US and EU regulations
    i) Conduct examinations and audits of anti-money laundering program
    j)  Improve your company’s well-being with the tools and knowledge to create and practice value-added anti-money laundering initiatives
    :Module One
    Anti-Money Laundering (AML) From A Regulator’s Perspective
    ?Is AML Compliance Different From Regular Compliance
    Understanding The Different Requirements
    a) Financial Action Task Force (FATF)

    b) USA Patriot Act
    c) Treasury/Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

    The Role Of The Regulator In AML Compliance
    a) What you can and cannot expect of banks and other institutions in the reporting chain
    b) Educating the market
    Partners To Enforcement
    a) Financial Services Authority (DFSA)
    b) AML and Suspicious Cases Unit (AMLSCU)
    c) Middle East and North Africa Financial Action
    Task Force (MENAFATF)
    a) US Government, SEC, Secret Service and Treasury

    AML In The Introducing-Clearance Context Forfeiture Of funds In US Interbank Accounts

    :Module Two
    AML From An Institution’s Perspective
    Enterprise-Wide AML: Looking At The Whole Picture
    a) AML at branch offices
    b) Outsourcing issues
    c) Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)

    Suspicious Activity Monitoring, Detection And Reporting
    a) Definition of suspicious activity
    b) Banks and financial institutions required to file Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs)
    c) The gatekeeper initiative – G-8 finance ministers attempt to require professionals to file SARs
    d) When and where to file SARs
    e) Safe harbor from civil liability for filing SARs

    Protection from reporting possible criminal activity
    a) Examples of penalties and fines for failure to file SARs
    b) Examples of penalties and fines for improperly filing SARs
    c) Identification And Verification Of

    a) Minimum requirements
    b) Determining validity of information received
    c) Determining source of funds
    d) Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs)

    :Module Three
    AML From The Customer’s Perspective
    Changing Customer Workload – Passing On Compliance Workload To The Customer
    a) Origination and sources of funds – what is right to ask?
    b) Keeping client confidentiality – is there a conflict of interest?
    c) The legal perspective and precedents

    Dealing With Transactions Of The Super-High-Net-Worth
    Additional Requirements For US Transactions And Customers
    Group Exercise

    :Module Four
    Some AML Legislation Affecting The Global Markets
    GCC Legislation
    a) EU, Asia, Africa
    -  Example: Saudi Arabia’s Consultative Council approved 29 articles of anti-money laundering legislation
    b) UAE legislation

    Authorized Disclosures And Failure To Disclose
    a) Appropriate consent
    b) Recent cases and penalties
    c) Role of the enforcer and the regulator
    d) Recent changes in legislation (including the EU’s 3rd AML directive)

    :Module Five
    Implementing AML Initiatives In Your Organization
    Ensuring AML Efforts Satisfy Regulators
    a) Monitoring risks
    b) Implementing a risk-based AML program

    Strategies For AML Success
    a) Integrated approach
    b) Treat AML as an ongoing process, not an IT solution
    c) Choose integrated IT solutions
    d) Training employees

    :Group Exercise
    Review And Program Summary

    Final Examination Multiple-Choice format.


الخطة التدريبية

يمكنكم تحميل الخطة التدريبية كاملة موضحا بها كافة البرامج التدريبية والمبنية على نتائج البحوث والدراسات الميدانية التي تمت بهدف تطوير العنصر البشري في كافة القطاعات الإدارية.

المحتوى العلمي للبرنامج

يمكنكم تحميل المحتوى العلمي للبرنامج كاملاً من هنا


في حالة وجود أية استفسارات أخرى متعلقة بتنفيذ البرنامج التدريبي يمكنكم التواصل معنا بالضغط هنا، وسوف يقوم أحد ممثلي إدارة التدريب بالتواصل معكم قريبا

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