محلل عقاري معتمد

  • خبراء متخصصين
  • اربع ساعات تدريبية لليوم التدريبي
  • تكون ايام التدريب من الأحد وحتى الخميس للإسبوع التدريبي
  • الحقيبة التدريبية
  • منسق تدريبي طوال فترة تنفيذ البرنامج لمتابعة سير العملية التدريبية
  • شهادة اجتياز النشاط من الشركة العربية للإستشارات والتدريب والدعم الفني (ACTS).

مواعيد التفعيل

مواعيد التفعيل

كود المدينة بداية الانعقاد نهاية الانعقاد
PC011\1 القاهرة 23 - فبراير- 2014 27 - فبراير- 2014
PC011\2 القاهرة 7 - ديسمبر- 2014 11 - ديسمبر- 2014
PC011\3 القاهرة 1 - يونيو- 2014 5 - يونيو- 2014
PC011\4 القاهرة 13 - أبريل- 2014 17 - أبريل- 2014

    The curriculum for the Chartered Trust and Estate Planner is based on trust and estate planning for resident and non-resident clients. The course will cover such planning obstacles as Common Law vs. Civil Law jurisdictions, non-resident alien spouse, and tangible and non-tangible assets in multiple jurisdictions

    :By Attending This Course You Will
    :You will learn about
    a) Tax Planning
    b) Shams and Step Transactions
    c) Concepts of Residence and Source
    d) General Anti Avoidance Regime
    e) Concepts of Substance and Form and Abuse of Law
    f) Specific Anti Avoidance Rules
    g) Controlled Foreign Corporations
    h) Controlled Foreign Companies Regime
    i) Thin Capitalization
    j) U. S. Tax Treaties, OECD Models, U.N. Models
    k) The Use of Double Tax Agreements for Avoidance

    :Module One
    Personal Financial Planning, Estates, and Risk Management
    Offshore Private Placement Life Insurance
    a) Introduction to Offshore Variable Life Insurance
    b) Offshore Holding Structures
    c) Asset Protection Benefits
    d) Investment Management Benefits and Flexibility
    e) Tax Benefits
    f) Liquidity
    g) The IRC 953 (d) Election
    h) Diversification and Investor Control
    i) Due Diligence Requirements
    j) Gathering Information
    k) Prequalification and Placing the Offshore Policy

    The Law of Trusts and Fiduciary Obligations
    a) Uses of trusts
    b) Distinction between a trust and a power
    c) Discretionary trusts
    d) Certainty, the beneficiary principle and purpose trusts
    e) Charitable trusts
    f) Unincorporated associations and pension funds
    g) Secret trusts and mutual wills
    h) Resulting and constructive trusts
    i) Breach of trust.  Breach of fiduciary duty
    j) Tracing, and strangers to the trust
    k) Appointment and removal of trustees
    l) Duties of trustees
    m) Termination and variation of trusts

    :Module Two
    Income, Gift and Estate Taxation and Planning
    Taxation of U.S. citizen residents or domiciliary
    a) Estate taxation
    b) Gift taxation
    c) Generation-skipping transfer taxation
    d) Marital deduction planning for citizens and residents with non-citizen spouses

    Asset protection trusts for U.S. persons
    a) Tax compliance and tax reporting requirements
    b) Penalties for failure to file

    Charitable contribution deduction under U.S. tax laws
    Taxation of non-residents and non-domiliciaries
    a) Income taxation
    b) Estate taxation
    c) Gift taxation

    Income, gift and generation-skipping transfer taxation of non-resident aliens
    a) Passive investments
    b) Active Trade or business operations
    c) Foreign Investment Real Property Tax Act (FIRPTA)
    d) Use of foreign corporations to avoid FIRPTA
    e) Conflict of Laws
    f) Marital deduction planning
    g) Trusts and foundations under civil law jurisdictions
    h) Asset protection trusts for foreign persons
    i) Reporting and disclosure requirements for foreign persons
    j) Succession Planning: Planning a Family and Business Legacy

    :Module Three
    Service Approach vs. Transactional Approach - Client and Advisor Benefits.
    How to Switch From a Product-Oriented Salesperson to a Fee-Based Advisor
    a) Family Interviews
    b) Fact and Feeling Finding. How to determine family member wants, needs and expectations through family interviews

    :Group Exercise
    :Module Four
    Charitable Planning for the Financial Advisor
    a) Public vs. Private Foundations
    b) Charitable Intent
    c) Charitable Tax Forms
    d) Capital Gain Bypass
    e) Charitable Instruments
    f) Charitable Life Insurance
    g) Gift Annuities
    h) Charitable Trusts
    i) What to do for the non-U.S. resident
    j) Foreign Trusts
    k) Foreign Foundations
    l) Jurisdiction
    m) Equitable Distribution
    n) Prenuptial Agreements
    o) International Planning

    :Module Five
    International Anti-Avoidance and Tax Treaties

    :Group Exercise
    Final Examination
    The final examination will be in a Multiple-Choice format


الخطة التدريبية

يمكنكم تحميل الخطة التدريبية كاملة موضحا بها كافة البرامج التدريبية والمبنية على نتائج البحوث والدراسات الميدانية التي تمت بهدف تطوير العنصر البشري في كافة القطاعات الإدارية.

المحتوى العلمي للبرنامج

يمكنكم تحميل المحتوى العلمي للبرنامج كاملاً من هنا


في حالة وجود أية استفسارات أخرى متعلقة بتنفيذ البرنامج التدريبي يمكنكم التواصل معنا بالضغط هنا، وسوف يقوم أحد ممثلي إدارة التدريب بالتواصل معكم قريبا

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