خبير و محلل الرهون العقارية المعتمد

  • خبراء متخصصين
  • اربع ساعات تدريبية لليوم التدريبي
  • تكون ايام التدريب من الأحد وحتى الخميس للإسبوع التدريبي
  • الحقيبة التدريبية
  • منسق تدريبي طوال فترة تنفيذ البرنامج لمتابعة سير العملية التدريبية
  • شهادة اجتياز النشاط من الشركة العربية للإستشارات والتدريب والدعم الفني (ACTS).

مواعيد التفعيل

مواعيد التفعيل

كود المدينة بداية الانعقاد نهاية الانعقاد
PC017\1 القاهرة 26 - يناير- 2014 30 - يناير- 2014
PC017\2 القاهرة 7 - ديسمبر- 2014 11 - ديسمبر- 2014
PC017\3 القاهرة 1 - يونيو- 2014 5 - يونيو- 2014
PC017\4 القاهرة 27 - أبريل- 2014 1 - مايو- 2014

    This program will teach you how to effectively develop and market retail mortgage products. It will cover the basic mortgage structures available to a product manager and then examine the ways in which they can be designed to target whatever segment you wish

    The program covers all the key aspects of development including profitability, positioning, and promotions as well as covering other key aspects you need to know, including credit and collections

    :By Attending This Course You Will
    a) Structure innovative mortgage products that will help you thrive in challenging markets
    b) Effectively position your mortgages and understand which products are right for your business
    c) Develop a competitive marketing plan for your mortgage products
    d) Evaluate the economic and competitive environment when developing your mortgage products
    f) Apply credit assessment and collection policies
    g) Understand the key income and cost drivers for mortgage products

    :Module One
    Overview Of Mortgage Banking
    a) Mortgage banking overview
    b) Mortgage market overview
    c) Mortgage loan products overview

    ?Why Do Banks Sell Mortgage Loans
    a) Covering the tradeoff between risk and return
    b) Comparing home lending against other forms of consumer credit

    Overview Of The Consumer Credit Cycle
    a) The foundation framework for retail lending activities
    b) Discussing the principle that mortgage products cannot be developed in isolation without considering the risk/return trade-off
    :Module Two
    Mortgage Products – The Building Blocks
    a) Different loan structures
    b) Standard amortizing versus revolving mortgages
    c) Fixed rate versus variable
    d) Repayment options

    Understanding Mortgage Products
    a) Review product features and benefits of mortgage products
    b) Develop a tool box of mortgage features on which to build powerful propositions
    c) Develop bespoke mortgage products

    Mortgage Product Development In-Depth
    a) Terms and conditions
    b) Pricing
    c) Repayment options

    :Module Three
    Mortgage Value Propositions
    a) How different product structures appeal to different segments
    b) Understanding customer behavior
    c) How to segment the customer base

    a) Understanding the cost and income drivers of a mortgage portfolio
    ?b) Which metrics should be used to manage a portfolio

    Overview Of Credit Aspects Of The Mortgage Product
    a) Credit assessment policies
    b) Understanding risk dynamics of the various mortgage types
    c) Managing the credit risk
    d) Understanding the collections function

    :Group Exercise
    :Module Four
    Managing The Portfolio
    a) Metrics used to manage the risk of the portfolio
    b) Early warning signs
    c) Options to mitigate risk

    Overview Of Operational Aspects Of Marketing A Mortgage
    a) Lending acceptance operations
    b) Lending maintenance operations
    c) Funding issues
    d) Portfolio acquisition

    :Module Five
    Current Issues In Mortgage Lending
    ?a) What is subprime and its impact on mortgage lending
    b) Portfolio acquisition

    Development Of A Mortgage Product
    a) Structured products
    b) Business strategy
    ?c) What targets do you seek to achieve
    d) Target customer segments
    ?e) What are the characteristics of the segment you are targeting
    ?f) What is the bank’s position in the market? Leader or follower
    ?g)What are the key quantitative and qualitative drivers of the market
    h) Economic and competitive environment
    i) The economic conditions and relevant competitors and their impact in developing the product
    j) Terms and conditions of the loans
    ?k) Which product features should be included in the product
    l) Define the various options relating to pricing, repayment terms, loan size etc
    m) Profitability
    n) Develop a basic model to determine product profitability
    o) Develop a marketing and promotions plan
    p) How the mortgage should be positioned and promoted
    ?q) Which channels are the most appropriate

    :Group Exercise
    Final Examination
    The final examination will be in a Multiple-Choice format


الخطة التدريبية

يمكنكم تحميل الخطة التدريبية كاملة موضحا بها كافة البرامج التدريبية والمبنية على نتائج البحوث والدراسات الميدانية التي تمت بهدف تطوير العنصر البشري في كافة القطاعات الإدارية.

المحتوى العلمي للبرنامج

يمكنكم تحميل المحتوى العلمي للبرنامج كاملاً من هنا


في حالة وجود أية استفسارات أخرى متعلقة بتنفيذ البرنامج التدريبي يمكنكم التواصل معنا بالضغط هنا، وسوف يقوم أحد ممثلي إدارة التدريب بالتواصل معكم قريبا

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